Monday, February 4, 2008

Memorable Image

Some of the most memorable times of my life are also some of the saddest. It's easier for me to remember images that shocked me. Ones that just seemed unbelievable at the time. One of those such times deals with the death of my younger cousin, Olivia. She was only 6 months old at the time of her death. You just don't think that as quick as someone can come into this world, that's how fast they're already gone. I didn't get a chance to know my cousin, but her memory will always live on inside of me.

The one image that really sticks in my head was when we attended the wake. It was open casket(which always freaks me out anyway), and it was my turn to go up and pay my last respects. I just remember looking down at her and thinking, she looks just like one of those porcelain dolls. They had dressed her in this pink, lace dress with matching hat and shoes. Her fingernails were painted pink to match the dress, and she was wearing way too much makeup for a little girl of her age. That image will never leave me as long as I live. Just the thought that someone so little can be taken away, without even getting their chance to live, is to this day still too difficult for me to accept.

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